Ninety-six (96) local, regional, and international organizations and entities (prime actors) were identified by their peers as influential in the life of Syria. In the chart below, the left column ranks the prime actors from most influential in shaping the life in Syria (Russia) to the least influential (Relief International).

The chart also shows the classification of prime actors into five stances indicating the actor's support and contribution to inclusive nationalism for Syria, starting from the most committed (Core) to the least committed (Saboteur).

Amount of influence of the Local Councils in the life of Syria, and their commitment to inclusive nationalism for Syria.

25 prime actors participated in the following:

  • Determining the rank of Local Councils according to the amount of their influence on life in Syria. As shown in the chart below, Local Councils ranked 29th most influential prime actor.
  • Assessing and classifying Local Councils according to their commitment to inclusive nationalism for Syria (also indicated in the same row by the colored rectangle). Of the 25 prime actors who participated in the assessments, more agreed that Local Councils fall under the category of 'Builder & Solver'. A prime actor assessed as Builder & Solver is seen as wholly committed to inclusive nationalism for Syria. This is their mission.
Syria R3 PA Local Councils x.jpg

In response to the question, “How are the Local Councils important in the life of Syria?” 

Round 3 participants stated (Nov. 2016 - Jul. 2017):

"They used to have influence early in the revolution by documenting violations.” (230713)

"They are the prime form of governance in opposition-held areas. They are a model to build on for the rest of Syria. They are anchors of civilization. They can be prime tools for counterterrorism by resourcing people so they don't have to resort to terrorist groups.” (233911)

"Most of the members are corrupt. They are not fit to be part of the transition.” (233881)

Round 2 participants stated (Aug. 2016 - Oct. 2017):

“Since the government is absent, these councils were formed to help people and provide all the services they can. Usually they are financed by the international community.” (221641)

“They are a sign society is still breathing. The only downside is that they are controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood. The people have a lot of hopes in the local councils.” (220291)

“They are replacing the government. They offer a lot of types of services, like water, food, and other survival needs. In the north it is a very successful idea. They even have some agreements signed with France. They are the only part of the opposition that is opposed to the Islamists and Jihadist. There is a conflict between the councils, al-Nusra, and Arhal al-Sham. Each has their own future policy and wants legal authority.” (223881)

“They do civil work directly with people, They will be part of Syria's future.” (221641)

“They are the main providers of basic resources in their areas.” (223911)

Round 1 participants stated (Jan. 2016 - May 2016):

“They are supported by Qatar, the United States, and Turkey.” (215261)

“They appeal to those who believe the military should not get involved with local government—that's most Syrians.” (212041)

“The provisional council oversees the local councils.” (215261)