Water Challenges

Jordan is one of the driest countries on earth and draws the majority of its water from non-renewable resources. (percentage of native water vs not). Aging infrastructure placed additional pressure on water resources and impeded access for the Jordanian population even before the massive influx of refugees from the war in Syria. Now faced with sharply increased demands, lack water has become a primary threat to the stability and security of the country.

A country without reliable and adequate access to water for its population is at great risks from regional conflict or economic changes that might threaten its supply. Coupled with an inefficient and wasteful system for accessing water, this lack of water security diminishes the country's ability to advocate for itself in the international arena and protect the health of its population. As a basic requirement of survival, adequate access to water is foundational to national sovereignty.

Refugee Challenges   

Historically, Jordan has been a welcoming destination for refugees. Successfully integrated refugees have greatly expanded Jordan's human capital. However, each wave of refugees has placed an additional burden on the country’s infrastructure and resources especially when extremely large numbers of refugees have arrived in a short period of time.


