Each of the major challenges facing Jordan is highly complex and will require the participation and coordination of many actors to solve. Resolving complex challenges requires creating and enforcing multi-party agreements among those actors. Multi-party agreements can only be designed and enforced effectively if actors have a common understanding of certain vital political, economic and social information. Sovereignty First's tool, INCA, generates this information and brings actors to a common understanding necessary for creating effective agreements. With each effective agreement Jordan's social contract is strengthened and its sovereignty increased.
INCA Applied to Water Challenges
Addressing Jordan's need for more water will require many agreements about:
- Infrastructure development
- Participation of other countries
- Environmental impact
- Finance
- Distribution
- Possible population displacement.
Understanding the interests of all parties to such agreements is vital to ensuring water security and greater sovereignty for Jordan.
The Dead Sea
INCA identifies interests: In 2013 Jordan began developing the "Dead Sea Project", a canal connecting the Red Sea and the Dead Sea after signing an agreement with Israel and Palestine. In 2016, 17 international firms bid to begin construction of the canal. In November of 2016, the Ministry of Water and Irrigation announced that the $100 million first phase of construction would begin in 2018. Jordan will need many additional agreements like those that produced this project to fully address its water problem. By more quickly and transparently revealing actors' interests, INCA can help reduce the time needed to reach and execute such agreements.
INCA Applied to Refugee Challenges
Effectively managing Jordan's refugee population (including employment, education, integration, repatriation, and other issues) will require coordination between:
- Government departments
- The private sector
- Nongovernmental organizations
- Other civil society actors
- Other countries.
Ensuring that these groups act effectively in concert will require extensive pre-planning and ongoing communication.
EU/ECHO/Caroline Gluck
INCA identifies opportunities for collaboration: INCA identifies and includes local, regional, and international prime actors across a broad range of sectors. It helps clarify their incentives and motivations for engagement with Jordan's refugee challenges. Using INCA, these actors can initiate partnerships, projects, and programs that will improve the quality of life for refugees while reducing burdens on Jordan's infrastructure and citizenry. Ideally, Jordan's commitment to refugee assistance ultimately benefits and builds the sovereignty of the country.
INCA Applied to Energy Challenges
Developing energy security for Jordan will require balancing the interests of:
- Consumers
- Industry
- Environmental activists
- Countries supplying Jordan with energy
- Both petrochemical and sustainable energy companies
- The government of the HK of Jordan.
These actors and others will likely advance or block agreements to reduce Jordan's reliance on energy imports to the degree that their individual interests are served.
INCA identifies sources of influence: With much to gain or lose as Jordan develops energy self-sufficiency, it is important that all actors understand each other's sources of influence. INCA's peer assessment by the prime actors themselves, helps all actors to identify path to gain support for the large-scale projects that will increase Jordanian energy independence and build the country's sovereignty.
INCA Applied to Unemployment Challenges
Unemployment in Jordan is affected by the interconnection of policy, demand, education, transportation, and other factors. Prime actors who can influence these factors for the better include:
- Government ministries
- Educational institutions
- Private sector employers
- Public sector employers
- Foreign investors.
Better understanding of the needs, resources, policies, and operations of these actors can enable better efforts to reduce unemployment in Jordan.
INCA clarifies relationships: Through INCA, prime actors come to a common understanding of how each of their missions and operations impact each others' missions and operations. This common understanding allows collaboration and the best possible alignment when working toward a common goal. Lowering Jordanian unemployment will increase the country's prosperity and sovereignty.
INCA Applied to E-Government Challenges
For the last several years, the Jordanian government has been working to provide better services to the Jordanian people through its e-Government program. Current departments involved include:
- Department of Lands and Survey
- Traffic Department
- Greater Amman Municipality
- Contracted private sector firms.
To date, 48% of Jordanians report not having used the services, citing inadequate internet access, reliability of service, education, and guarantees of security as limiting factors.
INCA identifies capacities: Large-scale change within a country, whether to address threats or take advantage of opportunities, must occur at a pace fast enough to be beneficial, but restrained enough not to exceed a country's capacity. Understanding how much and how quickly a country can implement and absorb change makes planning easier and success more likely. The steady accumulation of successful national initiatives is the path to national sovereignty. Successful e-Government will be another step along that path.