السيادة أولاً (Sovereignty First) Jordan Committee
The individuals on the U.S. - Jordan Sovereignty First committee have taken on the challenge of promoting and securing funding for Sovereignty First's work in Jordan beginning in 2017. Committee members are working to raise 200,000 JD, to support initial implementation costs, including training, education, and the implementation of INCA.
Mrs. Sawsan Alfayez - Mrs. Sawsan Alfayez is a board director of the Jordanian Alliance Against Hunger (JAAH), a coalition of organizations dedicated to food security and sustainable agriculture in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. She is currently working with Regional Centre on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development for the Near East (CARDNE) and other regional organizations for the development of the Regional Alliance Against Hunger. Previously Mrs. Alfayez served as JAAH’s Director and worked with Jordan’s Ministry of Agriculture for over twenty years serving in various managerial capacities including Regional Director and Gender Unit Director. Mrs. Alfayez developed, coordinated, and provided training to numerous project related to gender development in Jordan and the region in collaboration with national, international, and UN agencies and program. She is an active member on distinguished boards and organizations including The Jordanian National Committee for Women (JNCW).
Dr. Mahmud Duwayri - is a Professor at Faculty of Agriculture, University of Jordan, Amman, Jordan. He received his B.Sc. in Agriculture; Soils and Irrigation in 1968, his M.Sc. in Agronomy; Weed Control in 1970 from the American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon , and PhD in plant breeding and plant genetics in 1973 from University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin . he is also Editor in Chief, Jordan Journal of Agricultural Sciences (An International Refereed Journal issued by Higher Scientific Research Committee of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and Deanship of Academic Research, University of Jordan). He served as former Minister of Agriculture, Jordan (2001-2002), former Director, Plant Production and Protection Division, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, Italy( 1998- 2001), and former Vice President, Jordan University for Science and Technology, Irbid, Jordan (1996-1998). Worked as a consultant for several regional and international agencies in the fields of agriculture development and policy, scientific research and higher education development. Represented the Middle East and North Africa Region in several scientific commissions and agricultural forums. Cooperated and is acquainted with the CGIAR Centers mainly ICARDA, ISNAR, CIMMYT and IPGRI. He was a former member of Board of Trustees, the International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI), Rome, Italy, of Consultative Scientific Committee, Arab Atomic Energy Organization, Tunisia and of the Higher Council for Agriculture, Jordan. He served as President of Higher Council for Agriculture, Jordan and the chair of the National Steering Committee on Agriculture Research and Technology Transfer, Jordan.
Dr. George Hazboun - George Hazboun is founder of the law firm Hazboun & Co. and International Consolidated for Legal Consultations, a legal scholar and professor who has published forty two published legal articles and three books dealing with arbitration, multinational law, energy, and other legal topics. He has also acted as arbitrator (sole, Chairman and member of Arbitration Tribunal) in 70 international and domestic arbitration cases and has represented states and governments in arbitration cases. He previously served as the Dean of the faculty of law at the University of Jordan, the president of the American University of Madaba, and visiting professor of law at the faculty of law at the Syrian University. He has contributed to drafting many laws and statutes in Jordan contributed in drafting many laws and statutes in Jordan, and given consultations as legal expert to many governments, UNESCO and the World Bank.
Gen Nasri Nowwar - Nasri R. Nowwar, Brig General Royal Jordanian Air Force (Ret), is a Consultant and a Foreign Sales Representative ( FSR ) for United Technologies International Operations, Inc. (UTIO) in support of PRATT & WHITNEY- Military Engines (PW-ME) in Jordan and Iraq. In 1977 he earned a BSc degree in Aeronautical Engineering from the Hellenic Air Force Academy and was commissioned as 2nd Lt. In 1990, he received Masters of Science degree in Aerospace Vehicle Design from Cranfield Institute of Technology, England. He received additional military and technical training attending courses offered at numerous bases, universities and institutions throughout Jordan, USA, England, France and Greece , and is a graduate of The Defense Resources Management/Naval Post Graduate School in Monterey, California. He served in the Royal Jordanian Air Force holding senior staff positions at Air Force bases hosting several flying squadrons of fighter aircraft and culminated his Air Force career as the Director of Maintenance; responsible for the logistics support of all aircraft, rotary and fixed wing in the RJAF inventory. After his retirement in 2001, he joined the Ministry of Transport assuming the duties as GM of Queen Alia International Airport. In Feb. 2007, he was appointed GM at Jordan Airline Training & Simulation. Gen. Nowwar is a member of the Jordanian Engineering Association, senior consultant and board member for many companies in Jordan and others outside Jordan, a member of the International Equestrian Federation as an Official Judge , an associate member of the World Engagement Institute in Chicago and speaks four languages: Arabic, English, French and Greek.
Dr. Musa Shteiwi - holds a Ph.D. in sociology from the University of Cincinnati / Ohio / United States in 1991. He is currently the Director of the Center for Strategic Studies at the University of Jordan. He has more than 20 years of experience in teaching and research at the University of Jordan, in the areas of Political Sociology, Human Rights, Development, and Gender. His experience includes advisory and consultancies with government, UN, the World Bank and other international organizations and research institutions. He has more than 35 papers and published books in the field of development, social policies, poverty, unemployment, women, social classes, civil society and political parties, and youth.
Charles Tucker (Maj Gen, Ret.) - Charles E. Tucker, Jr., JD, is the Executive Director and Co-Founder of the World Engagement Institute ("WEInstitute"). He previously served as the Executive Director of the International Human Rights Law Institute (IHRLI), Chicago, Illinois. General Tucker's mission is to develop and promote the fundamental rights of peoples around the world through education, research, documentation, capacity-building and advocacy. To accomplish this, he and the WEInstitute engage in contemporary human rights and rule of law research, training and advocacy, as well as in post-conflict justice capacity-building programs and large-scale human rights documentation projects throughout the world. General Tucker prepares international students, professionals and scholars for institutional capacity-building, rule of law and human rights careers by administering international institutional development projects, fellowship programs, special courses, internships and research opportunities in Chicago and abroad. Prior to founding the WEInstitute, General Tucker served as an international rule of law and humanitarian law practitioner, mostly with the U.S. Government.
Dr. Ghaleb Tuffaha - Dr. Ghaleb Tuffaha is the Chief Executive / Director General of The Regional Center on Agrarian Reform and Rural Development, (CARDNE), an autonomous intergovernmental organization dedicated to stimulating and promoting regional cooperation in agrarian reform and rural development in its ten member states. Over his 40 year career, Dr. Tuffaha has worked in fields including vocational education, rural social development, vocational guidance, and communication skills training. He has served as a consulting international expert for the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), co-authored, edited and translated numerous training manuals involving rural development and gender issues, and was responsible for vocational education in the Jordanian Ministry of Education. Immediately before joining CARDNE, he was national training consultant at the Technical Cooperation Project “National Plan of Action for Gender Mainstreaming in Rural and Agricultural Development” in Jordan for FAO. He holds a Bsc in Agriculture, a diploma in Rural development and farmers training and an MA and Phd in Rural Social development from Reading University in England.
Dr. Eric Wolterstorff - Dr. Wolterstorff's expertise is measuring and shaping group behavior, especially at the intersection of self-governance, development, and large-scale threats or traumas. For 25 years, Dr. Wolterstorff has helped leaders manage crises, including in post-Katrina New Orleans, Germany, and Indonesia, and has conducted social trauma analyses of the United States, Germany, Israel, Japan, China, and Rwanda.
Dr. Wolterstorff has led or co-led six business turnarounds, five of which were successful. He has served as a C-level advisor to eighteen organizations, and presented to dozens of others. Additionally, he has co-founded three businesses and spun off two. In 2013, at the request of the Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction, Stuart Bowen, Eric assumed leadership of the Coalition for Stabilization Reform.
Dr. Wolterstorff is the founder and Director of Sovereignty First.
Implementing Partners
The University of Jordan Center for Strategic Studies: The Center for Strategic Studies aims to conduct studies in political, military, economic, and social aspects of issues that interest Jordan and the Arab world, that are connected to the security of the region, and that affect its future. In addition, the Center conducts opinion polls and organizes seminars, conferences and other activities with the goal of providing researchers and policy makers necessary facts and data.
The Regional Centre for Agrarian Reform and Rural Development for the Near East (CARDNE): CARDNE is an autonomous intergovernmental organization, hosted in the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan and consisting of ten member states: Hashemite King of Jordan, Arab Republic of Egypt, Syrian Arab Republic, Republic of Tunisia, Republic of Iraq, Republic of Lebanon, Republic of Yemen, Republic of Sudan, Islamic Republic of Mauritania, Kingdom of Morocco, and the Palestinian National Authority (as an observer). CARDNE’s mission is to foster an open exchange of ideas and experiences with the primary mission of stimulating and promoting regional cooperation in agrarian reform and rural development, and providing expert consultation, technical support, field research, and specialized, strategic activities.
Sovereignty First - Sovereignty First is a private American firm. They engage on the ground with local, regional, and international actors who are influential in the life of a country to generate a common understanding among them—of the prime actors themselves, of the country, threats to the country, and of the commitment of each actor to a vision of greater sovereignty for the country. With this common understanding in place, prime actors can act effectively to strengthen the sovereignty of the country. Their work is funded by those who believe stability, development, and progress can only come from within a country, and each country must find its own path forward, at its own pace.
Our Network
Our network is built of organizations and individuals within Jordan who have expressed their interest in supporting and promoting the Sovereignty First Framework in Jordan in various ways. Dr. Ibrahim Badran, Advisor to the President, Philadelphia University - We look forward to collaborating with them as we implement the Sovereignty First Framework in Jordan.
- Ahmad Awad Director, Phenix Center for Economic and Informatics Studies - http://www.phenixcenter.net/en/home
- Dr. Ibrahim Badran, Advisor to the President, Philadelphia University - http://www.philadelphia.edu.jo/academics/ibadran/uploads/publications.pdf
- Sami Hourani, M.D. and Chris Lash, Leaders of Tomorrow - http://ranasweis.com/category/my-projects/leaders-of-tomorrow/
- Bishop Qais Sadeq, Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and All the East - https://www.linkedin.com/in/rev-prof-dr-qais-sadiq-001b0238
- Mr. Ihsan Sweiss, Honorary Consul General - http://www.embassypages.com/missions/embassy22105/
- Rana F. Sweiss, Journalist, Researcher - http://ranasweis.com/
- Dr. Raed al-Tabini, General Director, The Hashemite Fund for the Development of Jordan Badia - http://www.badiafund.gov.jo/en/node/418
- Anja Wehler-Schoeck Resident Director Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Amman - http://www.fes-jordan.org/pages/english/home.php